Project Purpose
To improve the economic livelihoods of rural based artisans To improve the artisans productivity in terms of quality and quantity
Project Description
The establishment of the Leather Wealth Creation Centres in the Counties will provide Centres that are equipped with machinery both for training and use for common manufacturing purposes. The Centres will provide artisans with enhanced quality and quantity capacities, thus enabling them produce products that are competitive in both the local and regional markets. These products will compliment our focus towards import substitution.
The project includes the establishment of: –
Centres in all the 47 Counties. These centres will entail: –
- Identifying partnerships in the Counties (TVets, CIDCs and Polytechnics)
- The partners to provide space to host the centres.
- Mapping of artisans to be engaged in footwear and leather goods manufacture.
- Training of trainers and operators
- Identify, procure and install the equipment for the common manufacturing facilities (Machinery, Equipment and tools).
- Commissioning of the centres with collaboration of County Governments.
The Project Details: –
Each centre will be provided with basic equipment that would offer cutting and stitching services. This equipment would normally be beyond the reach of individual artisans.
The machinery/equipment include the following: –
2 swing arm clicking, 1 splitting, 1 strap cutting, 2 skiving, 6 stitching – 2 post bed, 2 flat bed – single needle and double needle, 1 cylinder arm, 1 cylinder short arm.
The centre will also provide training of artisans in basic footwear and leather goods manufacturing skills.
Total Project Cost – Kshs. 755 Million
Assumption: –
- The full cooperation, coordination and support of the Council of Governors for the effective identification and execution of the project.
- The availability of partner institutions
- The availability of artisans to train and use the facility
The project outcomes will be: –
Employment creation – approx. 6,000 direct and 30,000 indirect employment opportunities.
Wealth creation and poverty alleviation amongst rural communities, who are currently contributing to the increasing levels of un-employment.
Massive entrepreneurship spin-off possibilities and effects.
Value addition and diversification of the product range.
Improvement in quality and quantity of products (production of 24 Million pairs of shoes annually; with a productivity of 4 pairs per person per day from 30000 artisans) in conformity to national and international standards.
Streamlining the products into the formal market outlets.
Creation of a pool of skilled workers.
Reduction of national dependence on imported footwear and leather products, and thereby also saving on foreign exchange. Contributing approximately Kshs 24 B to the GDP