The Government has identified the leather sector as one of the flagship projects for realizing its manufacturing sector targets under Kenya Vision 2030, Medium Term Plan (MTP) III and the ‘Big Four’ Agenda. The sector has been prioritized due to its huge potential supported by one of the highest livestock populations in Africa capable of sustaining the demand for supply of raw hides and skins necessary for a robust leather and leather products manufacturing industry. The leather sector in Kenya has in it’s over 100 years of operation experienced significant growth and development but haslacked proper policy framework to its long-term growth.
To realize the sector’s long-term goals, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, in consultationwith the Kenya Leather Development Council (KLDC) and the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), have developed a draft Kenya Leather Development Policy. The main objective of this Policy is to guide and drive the growth and development of the leather sector in order to realize its full potential and contribute significantly to the economic growth.
The Policy is intended to provide a roadmap for the transformation of the leather sector to be sustainable and competitive with increased output of good and high-quality leather and leather products. The interventions proposed are expected to spur growth in the sector so as to satisfy the demand in both the local and export market, whilst providing quality assurance and ensuring compliance with sustainable environmental and social principles.
Once adopted, the Policy will provide a structured framework for the coordinated execution of the roles and responsibilities of all the actors across the value-chain and throughout the Country. This will ensure equitable distribution of resources and opportunities to all actors including marginalized clusters, micro, small and medium enterprises and unrepresented practitioners to promote fair trade and competitive practices.
Public participation was conducted from the 15th of September, 2020 in fulfillment of the Constitutional requirement for engagement with the citizenry and principles on the conduct of Public Participation. Comments, suggestions and clarifications were received from across the Country and taken into account in developing the Policy.
To finalize the process, the Government has organized a Stakeholders Validation Convention to be held at the Kenya Institute for Curriculum Development (KICD) at 9.00 a.m. on Thursday, 2nd December, 2021. All invited participants are therefore encouraged to access the draft Policy through the following websites: www.leathercouncil.go.ke and www.kilimo.go.ke.
Cabinet Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives
Cabinet Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives